Facts about the 4th of July
Thomas Jefferson changed the wording of the Declaration of Independence from "the pursuit of property" to "the pursuit of happiness."
John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on July 4, 1826.
In 1776, about 2.5 million people lived in the United States verses 322.7 million people in 2016.
The average age of those who signed the Declaration of Independence was 45. The youngest was Thomas Lynch at age 27. The oldest delegate was Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania at age 70. Thomas Jefferson was 33.
The Declaration of Independence was penned by Thomas Jefferson and signed by 56 men representing 13 colonies.
To avoid cracking it, the Liberty Bell has not been rung since 1846. On every Fourth of July, children who are descendants of Declaration signers symbolically tap the Liberty Bell 13 times.
What are your plans for the holiday? Are you going to a BBQ with family or watching fireworks with friends?
What are your makeup plans for today? If there is ever a holiday to pull out your true red lipstick, this is it ladies! Pair it with a navy blue eyeliner and white teeth and you have your red, white and blue--all nice and easy!
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