Happiness is there for the taking--and making.
These Five Joys blog posts are my favorite. It's so simple and yet, it forces me to look back at all the awesome things that have happened lately. Even when I think, hmm... what can I include... once, I start looking there are so many options. So many little joyful moments. I mean just look at that Voodoo donut below. Have you ever seen a better Voodoo doll donut? He has the best face! But seriously, it's very natural for me to focus on work stress, but it takes actual effort to focus on the positive and things to be grateful for. This includes my new bed that will be delivered in a couple weeks, my upcoming Greece trip and going bowling with old friends recently. And here are some more...
Huda Beauty lashes Scarlett #8
Voodoo doll donut... he was almost too cute to eat
Pretty flowers
A food cart falafel during lunch with a friend
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